Dokuz Eylül University (DEU) Prof. Dr. Mustafa Erol's doctoral dissertation theme on the "Thermal Emitting Polymeric Materials" has been tested for the heating of the automotive interiors upon the first successful exports to Germany in order to apply the material that is capable of emitting low-voltage heat for a long time.
Diving Clothes for the German Army
As an alternative to heating fabric made with resistance wires, Erol has developed flexible and heat resistant fibers that are resistant to corrosion and breakage, and has succeeded in developing technology that provides less energy and heat at regular intervals than its counterparts in the USA and South Korea.
Erol, whom has won the Elginkan Foundation Technology Award for his scientific work, established the company called Iltema with his partner Ayhan Prepol within the Dokuz Eylül University Technology Development Zone (DEPARK) with the support of TÜBİTAK for the application and the marketing of the fabric to different materials worldwide.