P&G Increases Its Power in England

P&G which carries on business in many fields of industry appeals to 50% of English diaper market.

  15 January 2013 23:19 Tuesday
P&G Increases Its Power in England

P&G maintains its leadership in diaper market of England. According to the report of Companies and Markets, England saw 5% increase in use of diaper comparing to 2011. In this situation shaped by consumer demands, attachment of people having a child to the quality leads up growth of the sector. It is stated that increase in child population of England had an effect on these growing numbers. Procter & Gamble maintains its leadership in the sector with 50% share which it has taken from English market in 2011. According to data concerning 2011, the whole of Procter & Gamble has showed a rapid growth while Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morrisons which are members of Procter & Gamble have experienced a half point decrease. The company has caught a number of 309 million Euro with 3% sales growth. The company also launched new Prima dry diaper last year. Extra absorbing diaper was introduced as an important product with its form ensuring dryness up to 12 hours.

Kimberly-Clark which is one of the members of the company also introduced innovative Huggies cord care wipe for new born babies. However, it has been expressed that the product is manufactured for market areas out of England in accordance with a decision taken by the company. The company will take important steps in 2013 regarding spreading to new market areas. The company also aims to concentrate on other market areas with the brands of Pulls Up, DryNites and Little Swimmers and Kleenex. Among the companies of Procter & Gamble, Tesco has shown the best performance. Tesco which shows 8% growth share also holds 32% of diaper market share in England. In addition, Tesco which provides products also in the market of diaper and baby food draws a successful graph also in this field with its growth at the rate of 5% in 2011. In addition to these positive data, it is expected that a deceleration will happen in 2016 in English diaper market which grows at the rate of 1% yearly. In the statement made by experts, deceleration which will happen in 2016 will be revised with studies such as re-evaluation of package sizes and promotion activities.

P&G Turkey Carries Out Successful Works

P & G which is actively involved in Turkish market for 26 years draws attention with its physical investment which exceeds 550 million dollars in Turkey. P&G Turkey comes in third among 52 countries in total in which P & G directly carries on business in the region of CEEMEA (Middle and East Europe, Middle East, Africa) and take 13rd place in P&G Global subcompanies sequence with its approximately 900 employees. P&G continues its activities in Turkey with its manufacturing facilities of powder detergent, ready diaper, sanitary pad and laundry bleach and distribution centre. In addition, P&G Turkey won first prize 9 times in the category of ‘Paper, Carton, Package and Stationery Products’ in export awards given by Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade with its works. P&G Turkey which is among Turkey’s biggest manufacturers of cleaning, home care, hygiene products for women and baby care products with 24 brands being in the leading position in the categories in which it operates today is also among the leading companies in the category of beauty and personal care.

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