Gaziantep Textile Machinery Fair, which will be held at the International Middle East Fair Center (OFM) with a closed area of 30,000 m2 in the Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone, will provide an opportunity for Turkish textile investors to meet with textile machinery and technology manufacturers and to establish new collaborations.
In addition to the textile production carried out by Gaziantep, it is the center of Turkish textile production with the textile sector clustered around neighboring cities. The Gaziantep Textile Machinery Fair, which will be held at the International Middle East Fair Center (OFM) with a closed area of 30,000 m2 in the Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone, will enable Turkish textile investors to meet with textile machinery and technology manufacturers and to establish new collaborations. OSB President Cengiz Şimşek said, “The GTM 2025 fair will be a fair where we will be informed about new developments in the textile sector and where manufacturers can come together and meet on a common platform. As the Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone, with the cooperation we have formed for the organization of the GTM 2025 fair, we will ensure that textile sector machinery fairs are held in Gaziantep. We will provide all kinds of support in this regard.”
‘’The Ideai Location for the Textile Machinery Fair: Gaziantep’’
In the first 3 months of 2024, Gaziantep textile industry exported 340 million USD and became the province with the highest textile export after Istanbul. 71% portion of Turkish Textile Exports in the first three months were carried out from Istanbul and Gaziantep. 28 of the companies operating in Gaziantep are amongst Turkey's Top 500 Industrial Enterprises. Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone (OSB) Chairman of the Board Directors Cengiz Şimşek commented on the statistical data regarding Gaziantep's textile production capacity with the following; ‘’Gaziantep, is the leading producer in Turkey, producing 91% of the machine-made carpet production in Turkey, 91% of the Polipropilen İplik / Polypropylene Yarn production produced in Turkey, 82% of Dokusuz kumaş / Nonwoven fabric production, 77% of (Akrilik İplik) Acrylic Yarn production, 48% of Gipe İplikler / Gipe Yarns production, 40% of the production of Çuval, torba / Bags and Sacks from PE/PP Band from PE or PP strip, 36% of Pamuk İpliği / Cotton Yarn alone.
Turkey's Largest Organized Industrial Zone
Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone is the largest OIZ in Turkey today with 5 zones and an area of 43 million 250 thousand square meters. With the 6th Organized Industrial Zone (OSB), where infrastructure work has begun, employment is expected to increase to 350,000 people.
Gaziantep, which is the locomotive city of Turkey in terms of industry, has started construction of the 6th Organized Industrial Zone (OSB). The 6th Organized Industrial Zone, which will be completed in 2025, will cover an area of 12 million square meters and the total employment of the OIZ is aimed to reach 350,000 people. Gaziantep Organized Industrial Zone Board Chairman Cengiz Şimşek stated that after the industrialists took their places, infrastructure work started as of August and production is planned to be carried out in the 6th OIZ within a year. Şimşek said, “In this economic climate, it is difficult for industrialists to invest, but we need to support the producer and pave the way for investors. The spirit of entrepreneurship should not be killed. I would like to thank our industrialists who invested. We are doing our best to provide an environment for industrialists to invest. I think that investments will increase as a result of the decisions taken by our government to regulate the investment environment.”
“We Carry Euphrates Water to OSB”
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gaziantep OSB continued with the following; “We are exporting to nearly 200 countries around the globe and are the world leader in many sectors. With the employment we provide to 300 thousand people and the investments we achieve, we are undertaking exemplifier projects which will be carved in golden letters not only for Gaziantep but also for our country. Water is necessity for the industry as well as for human life. Because majority of the facilities in our industrial zone are engaged in water-based production. We have commissioned a very big project so that future water cuts will not disrupt production. With our Euphrates water transmission line project, which we laid the foundation for in May 2024, we will be able to the meet 120 thousand cubic meters water demand with the 55-kilometer line to be built between Euphrates- GAOSB, considering the growth of our industry.
In this way, we will provide our industrialists with higher quality water at a lower cost.
‘’Fabric Dyeing, Yarn Dyeing and Similar Sectors Will Develop’’
We will put our Euphrates- OSB water transmission line project into operation within 1 year. With the completion of this project, fabric dyeing, yarn dyeing and similar sectors which demand water will grow and diversity in our industry will increase. We will materialize this dream with the implementation of our projects which we have commissioned and are still in progress. We are striving to strengthen our infrastructure in order to ensure that new global brands emerge from our industrial zone with success stories.’’
OSB Board of Chairman Cengiz Şimşek