While delivering a speech on the manifesto, Euratex President Alberto Paccanelli stated that while measures were taken to support the sector in some parts of the world, Europe could not keep up with the measures and that a new vision was needed that would lead to a greener and wealthier future. According to Euratex, the textile and apparel industry, which is the cornerstone of the European wealth and jobs, which composed of 192,000 companies employing 1.3 million workers with a turnover of 167 billion Euro and exporting over 67 billion Euro, and the call was made for collaborative efforts between stakeholders in the sector and policymakers to create an environment enabling to innovation, creativity and sustainability by introducing policy measures and initiatives that provide a "transparent and predictable" framework, with European Parliament elections to be held in June 2024.
Under the manifesto, which places a major importance on an open dialogue between policy makers and industry players in order to deliver appropriate measures for operating in both domestic and global markets, Euratex examines 4 topics on which policies should concentrate:
Developing and Implementing Smart EU Industrial Policy
While Euratex recommends the formation of policies that boost competition, it also emphasizes on the need for a "competition test" for the new legislation. The body also wants the EU to invest in innovation and digitalization to maintain its competitive advantage, via emphasizing on the importance of promoting training and jobs in industry, responding to criticism of the lack of skilled workers, especially amongst younger demographics.
Sustainability Cannot Exist Without Competition
While underlining the need for "economic realism" in the Sustainable Textile Strategy, Euratex calls for consistent, applicable and mandatory regulations, taking into account the structure of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs. The body also highlights the potential for market fragmentation due to differences in national regulations and the need for a unified approach to sustain growth.
A Free and Fair Trade Market
While stating that the EU is in second place amongst global exporters, the body goes in favor of the trade agreements that provide effective market access and a fair competitive environment for EU companies, while at the same time registers a demand seeking for secure protection and applicability against free traders.
Incentives for Sustainable Textiles
While addressing the compliance barrier for sustainable textile products, Euratex proposes standard legislations and financial incentives to stimulate consumer demand. Confederation, while encouraging for the implementation of green public procurement, aiming to integrate sustainability criteria into evaluation processes. Under the manifesto, an article also was published on the modernization of Customs Union in cooperation with Turkey to strengthen cooperation and to eliminate existing problems by increasing reciprocal business relations and within the Customs Union, it was said that support mechanisms to easiness the implementation of the Textile Transition Pathway should be developed together with the Turkish textile and apparel production ecosystem.