A Step Back From China on Cotton Conflict

China struggling to formulate a new policy on cotton usage as the country facing strong opposition in its uncontrollable power towards Uighur Turks and especially in labor exploitation and positive discrimination.

  04 September 2021 09:23 Saturday
A Step Back From China on Cotton Conflict

As to recall, many global brands such as Nike H&M made a corporate decision to ban Chinese cotton as of the start of this year since Chinese one sided policies implemented on Uighur Turks living in in China's East Turkestan Autonomous Region and as of its consequence, global powers voiced their concerns on these actions led by the US and the EU. Following their decision to ban Chinese products, protests were prevalent across China in groups supported by the local government.

The China Cotton Association

To counter growing opposition and protests, Chinese government is now making effort to come up with new legislations. The first block of these efforts said to be the "Sustainable" cotton certification program in China aiming to improve own standards for domestic cotton.

The National Cotton Development Program and Domestic Cotton Standard were assigned to “The China Cotton Association” (CCA) to carry out works across China. CCA, in cooperation with other Chinese institutions, will take on ‘’Cotton China Sustainable Development Program.” With the program that China put it into its agenda, the nation wishes to compete Western-based "Better Cotton Initiative" BCI program.

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