Covid-19, which has controlled world regions, continues to have its harming effects in the garment industry as well. While uncertainty remains on the future of the industry, brands with a corporate voice in the sector are working on ways to draw a new road map with some unsetlled outcomes and forecasts.
“We Will Move onto Our Old Habits”
Fahri Şahin, Vice Chairman of the Bordeaux Group, has made his own evaluations about the changes that will be seen in the garment sector within the “infant normalization” period. Emphasizing that the early stages of the normalization will shift consumption habits in ready-to-wear discipline. People will now shop for an item to wear within a year rather than to wear in a season. This change in preference defines our new ways of fashion connected to our old habits.’’
“The Fast Consumption Has Come To an End”
In the statement made by Şahin, “It is clearly seen that we have come to a stage where moving fashion and rapid consumption has come to an end. We will witness manufacturing and production processes are more environmentally sensitive, human-oriented and nature-conscious. ” and mentioned about the paradigm changes in the sector spreading just before the pandemic and on the contrary, pandemic is speeding up this process.
“Local Will Be A Preference”
Fahri Şahin pointed out that the new branches in the supply chain in the world after the virus is to manage the risk instead of acting low-cost-oriented and said, ‘’Preference for domestic resources will be increase somewhat a little. As an example, as a substitute of bringing fibers from China, domestic fibers will be preferred in Turkish market, domestic personnel will be preferred and local seawing opportunities are to be evaluated. In other words, most of the companies in the sector will look for local resources and manufacturing their resources under local conditions. This outcome will bring in two things.First, it will increase quality and costs as expectedly. As a result, fast consumption habits will lessen. To put it in other way, people will shop for longer periods instead of depending on seasonal wear. This defines the adoption of our old consuption patterns and habits.’’