Leading the way in introducing specialist technologies in circular knitting machinery, Terrot Group is displaying two circular knitting machines in its Terrot and Pilotelli ranges, which are produced in Germany and Italy, in ITMA Asia+Citme Exhibition.
Among the latest models introduced by Terrot are the Double-Electronic Jacquard UCC548E2 (two-way technique) and UCC548E3 (three-way technique) with electronic needle selection both in dial and cylinder. These machines can handle high gauges up to E28, allowing various pattern styles on both sides of a fabric. According to the information provided by Terrot, rapid pattern changes are easily processed via direct pattern data upload and changeover time is hence reduced. The UCC548E3 machine displayed in the exhibition has a 30 inch diameter and 48 feeders. Additionally, the latest SL-4 version, introduced by Pilotelli as the company's sinkerless technology, incorporates newly engineered and patented properties. This machine is highlighted thanks to its extremely reliable plating technology, especially in using elastane, also requiring less maintenance while also offering a user-friendly operation. Due to the absence of conventional sinkers, the cleaning frequency of the knitting head is reduced. The in-built click-clack system solves the problem of picking up the dropped-off fabric. The SL-4 model is available with tubular or open-width frame and is also available in special configuration for high-speed production.