More than 90 years, Erhardt+Leimer operates throughout the world in such fields as textiles, plastics, rubber and felt industry. The company which is preferred by many manufacturers in the global arena performs also special studies for product launches. According to the Erhardt Leimer' 2013 event program, it was stated that the company would participate in many fairs throughout the world. The company will participate in the fairs held in global arena with its machine and presentations in which there are special promotional activities. During 2013, Erhardt+Leimer will exhibit its new technologies in the fairs to be held in the U.S. , Japan, Germany, India, Brazil and Indonesia where it will participate.
In this respect, in Marchi Erhardt+Leimer plans to attend such trade fairs as Sino Label 2013 to be organized in China and KontakTA, Fit For Job ve ICE Europe to be held in Germany. In Avril, the company will exhibit its products in such fairs as TIPREX in Thailand, ICE USA and IDEA which is one of the leading fairs about nonwoven in U.S.A, Film Tech in Japan, MAQPAPER in Spain, TechnoBrasil, INDO Intertex in Indonesia and Tires & Rubber in Russia. There is also important places in May agenda of Erhardt Leimer. The company will participate in Pyramid Fair in Germany at the beginning of May, and then, it will participate Converflex, Label Summit Latin America, Chinaplas, APFE, Feiplastic, CIDPEX, Label Summit Indonasia and ITM. In June, the company will be in Techtextile which is one of the most important fairs held in the field of technique textiles and nonwoven. After these fairs, Erhardt Leimer will exhibit its products in the hall W3 at the booth A001, in Shanghaitex to be held in China. According to 2013 exhibition calendar, the company will continue to participate in the fairs to be organized around the world.
Firm Product Range Is Quite Large
We see CORDALINER, ELSMART, ELSTRAIGHT, ELMETA and ELFEED in the woven product group of Erhardt+Leimer. CORDALINER which is the most important technologies of the company offers a solution for tire cord as control system of product width. For woven products, ELSMART is introduced as product routing and dissemination system. ELSTRAIGHT stands out with its weft router system for woven and ELMETA has metal indicator feature for woven. ELFEED enables solutions for woven about tension machine feeding system.
Among the industry segments that the company operates in textile business, there are technical textiles, carpet industry and textile management. Among the technical textile group, there are felt production line Thermobonding and laminating line with Spunlace. In carpet industry, Erhardt Leimer, producing the carpet pressing machine and dyeing machine, provides planisher, tentering machine, and general pressing machines.
Besides those, Erhardt+Leimer, in terms of production; includes the productions in the branches of construction, transformation, beverage, graphic, hygiene, plastic, paper production, plastic and grooved cardboard industries. Among the other productions of Erhardt+Leimer, there are NYSCAN, ELSCAN, ELSIS, ELTENS, ELGUIDER, ELCUT, ELPOSER, ELSTRETCHER, ELGUIDE and electrical contracting. NYSCAN, known as press display system, is the leading one among the productions which company makes global promotional activities.
NYSCAN Provides Practical Solutions to Producers
Press controls’ gaining importance in the recent years makes 100% letter quality necessary especially in the fields that the chemicals are produced. Erhardt+Leimer, known with its success in this field, is among the companies which set standards with their world-wide quality. The company continues to produce technologies providing 100% press control. While old conventional systems are being used in the global market in spite of all these developments, Leimer produces practical solutions with NYSCAN. The technology, thought more expensive than the conventional system, started the period in which the producers need to reconsider. Within this scope the system provides both high level productiveness both in terms of quality and economy.
Apart from that while ELSIS is used in the surface display systems produced by the company, ELTENS technology is used in product regression measurement and control system. ELGUILDER provides solution in product motion control system. ELCUT, in product cutting system, and ELPOSER, in following system, draw attention. While ELSTRE TCHER technology becomes prominent in band force control systems like felt and sieve tension, ELGUIDE, as controller of felt and sieve transition in band position control system, is among the technologies put in service globally by the company.