Turkish Cotton Arises from the Laboratory

Upon the demand of the sector, taller fibre, higher efficiency and quality cotton types were developed at İYTE Molecular Biology laboratory. Seed which was developed with the study of Turkishscientists, will be launched as ‘Turkish cotton’.

  21 February 2018 01:00 Wednesday
Turkish Cotton Arises from the Laboratory

Upon the demand of a seed company carrying on business in Aydın, studies have begun for taller fibre, higher efficiency and quality cotton type. The name of ‘Lodos’ (Southwester) was given to the cotton type which was developed as a result of the rehabilitation works carried out at İzmir Institute of Technology (İYTE) Molecular Biology laboratory in cooperations with university and industry.

Planting Has Started

İYTE Molecular Biology Department Associate Prof. Dr. Sami Doğanlar who emphasizes the developed cotton will be a strategic product for Turkey, says Turkey doesn’t meet the consumption of cotton production. Doğanlar says “Turkey’s competitors at textile produce higher value- added products. Just making evaluation above cotton has already lost validity. In a conclusion of the study at our laboratory, we developed the best type in terms of efficiency and fibre quality”. After seed testworks, planting has started. Lodos which has started to take demand from overseas is believed to find a large marketplace within 5 years.

Turkish Scientists Developed

New cotton type is a natural one which is planted in Turkey and occurs with classic rehabilitation works. Lodos which will launched to the world as ‘Turkish cotton’ was developed with the studies of Turkish scientists. Cenk Peynircioğlu,  Director of R&D  and Production of ÖzaltınTarım, states that they developed a product matching up with the demands of textile industry and as its feature to be early riser cotton type is a choice reason.

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