Trützschler T-BLEND Means Guaranteed Blending Accuracy

When it comes to tuft blending with T-BLEND, Trützschler relies on blending accuracy and reproducibility.

  17 July 2017 01:00 Monday
Trützschler T-BLEND Means Guaranteed Blending Accuracy

The self-monitoring system convinces with flexible application when blending natural and man-made fibers of different lengths, finenesses and colours.

New Weighing Technology for Increased Production

Compared with previous Trützschler tuft feeding installations, the performance of the pans of the new tuft blending system has doubled. The filling process is automatically optimized and weighing is performed more quickly due to a vibration-free three-point suspension. All of this combined results in increased weighings per unit of time and more volume per discharge. Naturally, the evaluated information is also made available to the higher level Data Management System T-DATA.

Exact Dosing - Reproducibly And Permanently Monitored

To ensure the observance of the blending ratio, the only technologies considered suitable are those that precisely weigh the individual components. For this reason, the new Trützschler tuft blending installations T-BLEND are also based on the weighing principle. T-BLEND allows exact dosing of the individual components and - during the second step - blending to a homogeneous material. Thus, precise adherence to the blending ratios over long periods of time and/or within a lot is ensured. The result is always a perfect dosing of the blending components. This rules out a gradual deviation, like for instance with volume measurement, that cannot be avoided due to deviations in degree of opening or ambient atmosphere. BLENDCONTROL monitors each individual discharge and automatically and permanently corrects any deviations.

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