Being one of the most leading companies of the world in the field of nonwoven and textile machines production, Trützschler purchased BCF and industrial yarn department from Swisstex Winterhur AG which manufactures carpets and make production in the field of industrial yarn spinning. Trützchler targets at expanding its product range by incorporating the personnel and technical works of Swisstex Winterhur AG into its body. Having taken steps to solve the problems experienced in some units by purchasing the product range of Bastian Winder previously, the firm continues its investments non-stop. Having a long history in the fields of nonwoven and industrial yarns, Trützschler is getting prepared to present special offers for industrial applications in addition to design, establishment and development of BCF yarn systems. It is stated that the aim of the firm is to strengthen its client-oriented working structure, solve the spare part problem and facilitate the process of creating a superior model in yarn spinning.
Trützschler – Strong Actor of the Global Market
Trützschler Nonwoven continues submitting leading technologies in the field of technical textiles. The firm displays its dynamic structure with its solutions covering the whole fiber production area. Standing out with its innovations in all fields, the firm offers correct solutions for such applications as hydro entaglement, Fleissner Aquajet, Fleissner drying machine, chemical or thermal adhesion techniques and neddle. Having effective sales activities in such markets as China, India, Bresil and the USA, the firm has a great number of client-oriented service opportunities in Turkey, Uzbekistan, Mexico, Italy and Spain. throughout the world.