It is seen that cotton production in the world is enough in order to meet cotton consumption of global businesses. According to’ Global Cotton Supply and Last Usage Demand: Trends and Forecast 2013’that was prepared by ‘Market Watch ‘department of Research Company; while cotton consumption of the world will increase till 2020, it is predicted that demand will increase from %75,6 in 2012 to 85,75 in 2020. It is expected that cotton consumption of companies in the field of global will increase and a minimum increase will be happened in cotton production in 2020 according to report.
It is stated that cotton production in the world may increase from 116,90 million bales to 133, 92 million bales in the report that increase of total cotton supply between the years of 2012-2020 linked to annual growth in the fields of cotton production of % 2,09 and import of 2,27. At the same time in 2020; it is predicted that world bale supply which is 223, 72 million now will increase to 45 million bales.
Besides that; it is stated that while export share in the field of cotton supply is %16, 86 in 2012, will reduce % 16, 47 in 2020 in the forecast which usage share of companies in cotton supply that was 68, 38 in 2012 is expected to reduce %64, 91in 2020. Rate of average annual increase of total cotton supply in the world between the years of 1992-2012 was registered as 2, 38 according to report.
Total demand in the field of cotton production industry between the years of 1992-2012 increase every year on the average %1, 86 and this rate is %2, 53 in the field of export. It is predicted that world cotton demand will reach from 106, 48 million bales to 131, 01 million bales in 2020 in the event that increase continue in this way. For this reason; it is stated that cotton export in the world will reach from 37, 73 million bales to 44, 71 million bales.