Porima initiative that supported by Aksa Akrilik, the world's leading acrylic fiber producer, and by the İTÜ Arı Teknokent, raised the bar in exports. The company, which has been producing three-dimension printer filament in Yalova since 2018, is now exporting to Europe and the Middle East after the USA, which is the world's largest market in this field. Thanks to Porima, which was founded by two young engineers, Serhat Oran and Kadri Karadeniz, thermoplastic by-products will be exported from Yalova to America, Switzerland, England, Israel, Palestine, Azerbaijan and TRNC.
Doubling our Production Capacity
Porima Co-Founder and CEO’s Serhat Oran stated that they are aiming to export domestically produced filaments to the entire global world market. In this context, Oran mentioned the importance of new dealership agreements in America, England and Azerbaijan and said, ''Thanks to our new cooperation’s which we achieved in 2022, we are planning to pull up our capacity in exports to the new heights in the coming period. It is a proud for us to begin exporting to big markets after the America such as Europe and Middle East. We now have 40 per cent capacity in the domestic market. While contributing to reducing the foreign dependency with our domestic production, we are also aiming to be ranked amongst the leading players in the world filament markets by doubling our capacity.’’
“We Support Innovative and Sustainable Initiatives”
Aksa Akrilik Board Member and General Manager Cengiz Taş congratulated Porima for its new achievements in exports. Taş talked about their support towards initiatives that are important in the development of innovative and sustainable technologies such as Porima within the scope of the Value for Entrepreneurship Project and said, ‘’Porima is the company that we achieved the first investment within the scope of our project. We are pleased to have the opportunity to take part in such a valuable and successful Start-Up that pave way to the period of domestic cartridges in 3D printers and that carry out exports to markets such as the US, Europe and the Middle East. As Aksa Akrilik, we will continue to offer financial support and mentorship to young entrepreneurs.’’