New Technology for Spinners from Rimtex

Rimtex continues to offer new technologies to strengthen the durability and resilience of spinners.

  30 October 2020 07:35 Friday
New Technology for Spinners from Rimtex

Rimtex is leading the way to meet the changing expectations of Spinners across the globe with its new-age Sliver management. It is re-imagining the application of efficiency and productivity to facilitate the process of resilience, of spinners.

Along with the qualitative expectations of minimal imperfections in sliver handling, during this time, spinners are extra vigilant about material loss & errors which have a direct bearing on their yield. In times of challenge both parameters of Quality and Yield has to go hand in hand; if one fails, the overall profit of the spinner gets affected.

Rimtex is in advanced stages of introducing the concept of Sliver Intelligence, which will completely transform the way Spinning Mill functions and impart the spinner with exceptional new capabilities.

WIZCAN is an IOT based intelligent sliver management system, which is driven by Rimtex's proprietary software WISE. What the system has successfully achieved over several 'real environment' tests is complete adaptability to every size of spinning mill. Spinners who are looking for a high quality of production, get 'intelligent' support in management, regulation and quality control at every stage of yarn preparation. WIZCAN is a seamless convergence of the group's sliver management expertise with worlds most advanced digital technology. In the post-pandemic era, WIZCAN will be an essential tool that will enable spinners to meet the New World market needs. They suit the requirements of most New Generation Spinning machines and ensure high quality and optimum yield to the spinner.

The spinners today need robust answers to respond to the new challenges. The need of the hour is product and solutions that can accommodate the shifting demand patterns that can manage uncertainty, that adapts to new production paradigms, and that meets the evolving needs of global markets.

The group has formulated four principles;

The group has formulated four principles to guide all their response in the Post-COVID world.

-          Smart Work

-          Augmented Solutions

-          Flexible Production

-          Empathy Driven Process Creation

Accelerate integration of Smart processes. Develop new solutions to augment the utility of current products & solutions. Create alternative plans to ensure unaffected production, delivery and service, amidst uncertain conditions. Create sustainable systems which ensure the health and well-being of our employees and associates as the topmost priority.

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