The Future of Textiles Discussed at Texsum 2022

The future of the textile and ready-made clothing industry discussed at the Texsum'22 Summit that held for the third time this year with the title of "The Future of Turkey in Textiles."

  19 September 2022 09:06 Monday
The Future of Textiles Discussed at Texsum 2022

At the Texsum'22 summit organized with the cooperation of UTİB, UHKİB and BUÜ Textile Engineering Society, the new roadmap for the future of textiles discussed under the expertise and guidance of students, academicians and industry representatives. Opinion leaders of the textile and ready-made clothing industry discussed the future of the industry at the Texsum'22 Summit. The summit, which was held for the third time this year with the title of "The Future of Turkey in Textiles”, was held with the cooperation of Uludağ Textile Exporters' Association (UTİB), Uludağ Ready-Made Clothing and Apparel Manufacturers' Association (UHKİB) and Uludağ University Textile Engineering Department and Society. The opening speech was delivered by BUÜ Rector Prof. Dr. A. Saim Kılavuz at the Summit and intense interest from exporter’s union presidents, industry representatives, academicians and students’ participating from different regions was noticeable.

“18 Billion Dollars Foreign Trade Surplus”

While stating that the textile industry is the artery of the economy, UTİB President Pınar Taşdelen Engin said, “Despite the pandemic, in our textile and ready-made clothing industry, which provides employment to 2 million people, we have achieved a foreign trade surplus of over 18 billion dollars with exports of 30.4 billion dollars in 2021. In the same period, also as UTİB, we exported 1 billion 355 million dollars with an increase of 33 percent. In this period, while keeping in mind that the whole world is an open market, we achieved exports to 195 nations and also Turkish textile industry has moved to a position where it can achieve not only market diversity, but also enjoy product diversity. One of the strongest characteristics of textile is that it is open to design and innovation. We will continue our work on R&D, design, innovation, branding, ecological and environmentally friendly production without slowing down so that the sector can stand out in the global competitive environment.’’

“Investment in R&D Should Continue”

UHKİB President Nüvit Gündemir while signaling production in textile industry that should maintain its focus on branding and high-unit price exports, “Our new generation engineers will make the most of their valuable contribution to the continuity of our success. Our industry is an enjoyable area to work that harmonizes economy with aesthetics and with designs and fashion. When our young talents come up with new ideas, there is so much they can achieve in our industry. To increase our competitiveness, we must continue to invest in R&D and focus on digital resources in all industries.”

"We Should Use Less Water"

While emphasizing that domestic raw material production is of great importance in the textile industry, Aegean Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association President Jak Eskinazi said, “We are one of the leading countries in organic cotton for sustainability. When we market this as an advantage, we can create a new added value. In order for waste to be turned into industry again, it is a condition for our young talent to develop works at this point. We have to support a new textile industry in which less water consumption is achievable.’’

Sertbaş: ‘’We Must Evolve into Sustainable Production’’

While noting that digitalization in production is an issue that needs to be taken seriously, Aegean Ready-to-Wear and Apparel Exporters' Association (EHKİB) President Recep Burak Sertbaş said, “Sustainable production in the textile industry is an issue that we need to address and grow into urgently. When our existing infrastructure can adapt to the developments in the world, the future of the textile industry will continue to grow stronger. By digitalizing and complying with the sustainability rules, our ready-made clothing industry will continue to remain in the coming years. Our industry expects exciting work from young candidates who will produce and develop.”

‘’Everything Will Return to Its Nature"

Zeki Kıvanç, Vice President of AKİB Textile and Raw Materials Exporters' Association, said that cotton production should be carried out extensively and effectively, “We are experiencing issues in the supply of cotton that turns from agriculture to industry. For this reason, we need to increase cotton production by implementing good agricultural practices as the industry grows. Also, in the field of organic cotton, we have an open path thanks to the solid infrastructure in our country." GAİB Coordinator President Ahmet Fikret Kileci said, “Although petrochemical raw materials are very valuable today, we should not forget that everything will return to its nature. Our young talents should be open to development and renew themselves in the light of these changes.’’

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