Zorlu Tekstil Produces Polyester Yarn from PET Bottles

Zorlu Tekstil Group, with its installed Polymer Recycling Facility, is producing polyester yarn from 100% PET bottles, while achieving a first in Europe and Turkey.

  25 September 2024 09:29 Wednesday
Zorlu Tekstil Produces Polyester Yarn from PET Bottles

Zorlu Tekstil Group Brand Director Çiğdem Solak gave an interview to Merve Solak from Ekonomim, and provided important information about production made from recyclable materials. ‘’As Zorlu Tekstil Group, we focus on the environment and nature in all our production stages. Sustainable home textile fashion is only possible by adopting environmentally sensitive and responsible production processes. I believe that both manufacturers and consumers need to make joint efforts to make progress in this area. For this, the right strategies and applications need to be implemented. For example, the use of recycled materials in home textile products is an important step on the path to sustainability. Yarns and fabrics obtained from recyclable materials such as textile waste and plastic bottles can be used in the production of new products. This both reduces the amount of waste and contributes to the protection of natural resources. In this context, our Polymer Recycling Facility, which we put into operation with an investment of 10 million dollars in Korteks, one of our group companies, is very valuable to us. With this facility, we realize a first in Europe and Turkey by producing polyester yarn from 100 percent PET bottles. With this investment, we ensure that approximately 110 thousand plastic bottles, which are consumer waste and cannot be biodegraded in nature, are reduced for the production of 1 ton of recycled yarn. We produce products from the yarns we obtain with this method, for example, our TAÇ Reborn Curtain Collection is produced by recycling PET bottles and polyester yarns. In addition; the use of renewable energy sources, the adoption of water-saving technologies and the optimization of production processes, the use of environmentally friendly, biodegradable and harmful chemical-free dyes and chemicals are also important steps in sustainable home textile production. We purify the washing water used in the production stages of the products produced in our Zorluteks factory by putting them through many processes. We bring this purified water to a level that can sustain life and we raise fish in it.’’

Collection Prepared with ECO-Design Principle, Extending from Seed to Flower

Solak, while drawing attention to sustainability and responsible production, evaluates the sustainable duvet cover collection as follows; “Starting today, we assume a leading role in sustainability-focused studies in our sector in many areas with the motto of “Today for the Future” of Zorlu Textile Group, which works effortlessly to leave a more livable world for future generations. The story of our Reborn duvet cover collection, which we designed within the scope of this motto, was born from our commitment in environmental sustainability and responsible production. This collection of ours is about the story of an endemic plant extending from seed to flower. This collection, which we have brought to life with the responsibility of protecting biodiversity, makes a difference in environmentally friendly home textiles prepared with process optimizations to reduce carbon and water footprint. As Zorlu Textile Group, we focus on creating long-term value in all our activities within the framework of Zorlu Group’s Smart Life 2030 strategy. We raise awareness of both our customers and our brands with the steps we take by focusing on sustainability. Of course, we will continue to carry out various studies and implement projects to increase our awareness on sustainability. We will continue to do our best to increase the knowledge and awareness of our consumers on this issue."

Green Consumption Habits Still Not at the Desired Level

“Here, responsibilities fall on the consumer as well as the manufacturer. First of all, it is very important for consumers to consider the environmental and social impacts of the products they purchase. I think that awareness of sustainable home textile fashion is increasing gradually amongst consumers. However, it has not yet reached the desired level. In this context, consumers can minimize their negative impacts on the environment by choosing products made of recycled or organic materials. In addition, they can support the reduction of excessive consumption and therefore the amount of waste by choosing long-lasting and durable products. We care about being transparent about the production processes and materials used in our products and passing on this information to our consumers. As a group, we have earned the right to use the Made in Green label with the STeP by OEKO-TEX certificate. Our products with these certificates can be tracked in terms of sustainability with a QR code. We are one of the companies that have taken the fastest steps towards reducing carbon and water footprints in the sector. As Zorluteks, we have reduced water use per product by 30 percent by using techniques for reducing water use and reusing wastewater. By documenting that we obtain electrical energy from renewable sources, we managed to reduce carbon emissions by 85 percent at Zorluteks.”

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