General Turkish export in January- June 2018 period rose to 81, 9 billion dollars by having a 7, 4% increase. Leather and leather products export rose to 853 million dollars by having 16, 5% increase. Export share within the entire sector of leather and leather products was announced to be 1%. Leather and leather products export had 4, 5% increase which had a 16, 5% increase on value basis, increased 4, 5% on amount basis in the first half of the year. Leather and leather products export which was 732 million dollars in the first half of 2017 rose to 853 million dollars in the same period of 2018. While Russia remains at the top of the list with 123 million dollars among the countries carrying out leather and leather products export, Germany ranks second with 68 million dollars and Italy ranks third with 66 million dollars.
When leather and leather products export is studied on product group basis, while shoe became the products being realized the most sale with 495 million dollars, half- processed- end leather and furs became second with 144 million dollars, leathercraft products became third with 108 million dollars and clothing products became fourth with 105 million dollars. In the first half of 2018, among the countries which imported the most shoes became Russia, Iraq, and Germany respectively. As India remained at the top of the list at half- processed and end leather export, Italy and Germany followed it. And among the countries making the most leather export, there are Italy, South Korea and China. First three alignment at export at which the most leather clothing realized forms as Russia, France and Germany. Russia, Italy and France became the countries listing at the first three realizing fur clothing export. In the same period, Italy, Germany and England glittered as making the most leathercraft product export.